Classical Languages Concentration
Students must complete a minimum of eleven courses, including at least six courses in either Greek or Latin at the intermediate level (1511) or above; one course in Classical Studies at the introductory level and one additional course in Classical Studies; and two or three electives (depending on the concentration chosen).
Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.,,
Concentration in Classical Languages: Greek (CLSG)
A total of Eleven (11) classes, including:
- Six (6) classes in Classical Languages: Greek (CLSG) at the intermediate level (1511) or above
- One (1) class in Classical Studies (CLSS) at the introductory level (1000)
- One (1) class in CLSS at the introductory level (1000) or above
- Three (3) electives
Concentration in Classical Languages: Latin (CLSL)
A total of Eleven (11) classes, including:
- Six (6) classes in Classical Languages: Latin (CLSL) at the intermediate level (1511) or above
- One (1) class in Classical Studies (CLSS) at the introductory level (1000)
- One (1) class in CLSS at the introductory level (1000) or above
- Three (3) electives
Concentration in Classical Languages: Latin (CLSL) and Greek (CLSG)
A total of Eleven (11) classes, including:
- Three (3) classes in one of the Classical Languages: Greek or Latin (CLSG or CLSL) at intermediate level (1511) or above
- Three (3) classes in the other Classical Language: Greek or Latin (CLSG or CLSL) at any level
- One (1) additional class in CLSL or CLSG at the advanced 2000 level or above
- One (1) class in CLSS at the introductory level (1000)
- One (1) class in CLSS at the introductory level (1000) or above
- Two (2) electives