FAQs for Prospective and Incoming Students

As a first-year student, can I take more than one class per semester?

Yes. Our classes are listed in three places on the Registrar’s website (Classics: Classical Studies; Classics: Greek; Classics: Latin). Since Latin and Greek are distinct languages, it is OK to take both languages in the same semester as a first-year student. You may also combine these languages with courses in Classical Studies.

How do I pick the right level for a language course when registering for the first time?

You should take the Latin Placement exam on Canvas before your arrival for orientation in August. In 2024, incoming first-year and transfer students must take their language placement exams by July 19, 2024.

The language placement exam consists of 75 multiple choice questions on Latin grammar, syntax, reading comprehension, and morphology. The department uses Latin: An Intensive Course (Moreland and Fleischer) as its textbook and that would provide a helpful review of what is expected to be known after the first year of Latin.

In general, most students who have taken Ancient Greek in high school should register for Beginning Greek in the Fall semester (CLSG 1011). Those who wish to start at a higher level should contact Professor Alexander Sens (sensa@georgetown.edu).

For Latin, students with no previous experience in the language should register for CLSL 1011 (Latin 1). Please contact Professor Justin Haynes (js2255@georgetown.edu) for further information. Students who have taken the SAT II may use the following as a rough guide for determining their level:

Students who have previous experience in Latin but have not taken the SAT II may use the following as a rough guide for determining their level:

Do Latin and Greek fulfill the College’s language requirement?

Yes! You will fulfill the College language requirement by passing the intermediate level in either language.

Can I get AP credit in Latin?

Yes. Please consult the Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences Guide to Preregistration.

Do other Classics courses fulfill any other general education requirements?

Many of our Classical Studies (CLSS) count for the Humanities, Arts, Literature and Culture of the College.

Can I double major in Classics and another discipline, or minor in Classics?

Yes, and many students do. Historically, students have combined Classics with many different second majors. A number of students have majored in Classics while fulfilling the premed program.

What sort of study abroad is available to Classics majors?

Students at Georgetown often study abroad for a full semester or a summer term. Many of our students have studied at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. If you speak a foreign language well, you may directly matriculate in Georgetown’s programs in a number of countries. Many students have also studied in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and other Anglophone countries. Interested students may contact the Office of Global Education to view a list of Georgetown-approved programs or to make a study abroad advising appointment.

What have Georgetown Classics majors gone on to do professionally?

Georgetown Classics majors have found success in every branch of professional life. Our graduates have found satisfaction in banking and financial services, the insurance industry, consulting, teaching, advertising, politics and public service, journalism, and many other fields. A large number go on to study in law or medical school. A much smaller have gone on to post-graduate programs in Classics and cognate disciplines.